Feline Biological Nutrition Professional Certification
The Certification in Feline Biological Nutrition covers what felines are designed to eat and how this pertains to a species-specific diet.
Distance Learning – suggested 12 months part-time study (Nominal hours 820)
The Feline nutrition course enables the student to break down, understand and then rationalise the current modern feeding practices, versus the biological and evolutionary form of our current domesticated family cat (Felis catus) has not altered in thousands of years.
The information contained in this course has been complied with the astute help of two very important Veterinarians who have made biological nutrition a priority, to aid in reducing the very common ‘human-like’ conditions and diseases that now affect so many cats in these modern times.
Throughout this course, students will understand the merit of food products available and compare the nutritional compounds and aid in fighting conditions and disease. Students will understand and compare digestible purity, and nutrient uptake of biologically appropriate foods.
Step by step, the student will work through the foundation, therapeutic, preventative and clinical aspects of Feline Nutrition, from a ‘whole-body’ perspective in relation to the biological and positive physiological outcomes of Feline Biological Nutrition.
At the end of this course the student will understand how nutrition can hinder or improve allergies or inflammation within the feline body. Understanding how nutritional diseases are caused and exasperated through nutrient deficiencies, therefore aiding students to professionally prescribe a complete diet that meets the nutritional requirement for cats dealing with a variety of conditions on an individual basis with consideration to the breed, health and age.
There is no doubt the journey throughout this course will be life changing for so many owners and their beloved cats, that you the graduating student should feel very accomplished to help in such a valuable way.
Course Welcome
Student Handbook
Study Guide
How to Reference Your Work
Blank Assessment Cover Sheet: To be submitted with any written assignments.
A Scientific Guide to Natural Nutrition By Dr. Bruce Syme
NRC: Nutrient Requirements of Dogs and Cats
EBook: Raw Meaty Bones by Dr. Tom Longsdale
Origins and Species Specific Digestion
Blank Assessment Cover Sheet
Module 1 Quiz
Introduction to Feline Domestication History
Daily Nutritional Requirements
Module 2 Quiz
Essential Nutrients (Vitamins, Minerals & Omegas')
Blank Assessment Cover Sheet
Module 3 Quiz
Evolution of Modern Feeding
Module 4 Quiz
Audio: Development of the Commercial Pet Food Industry
Anti-Nutritional factors of Pet Foods and Reading Labels
Module 5 Quiz
Blank Assessment Cover Sheet
The course is completely structured in delivery each week for the full twelve (12) months, with course modules and assessment tasks being released at the same time each week. As the course is completely structured in delivery each week, students are unable to finish the course sooner. Students can complete the course sooner if they are able to complete the final course assessments (case studies) in a timely manner, which would mean that the course could be completed within ten (10) months. However, the course has an open-end expiry, so students can take as long as they need to finish the course in its entirety.
Students can enrol at anytime.
Course is delivered via distance education through the ANME online learning portal.
Prerequisites not required for enrollment into this course.
Student require a Computer/Laptop/or Smart Phone with internet access A headset (If your computer is without an internal speaker).
Students must have basic computer skills.
Students must have basic English language skills. As we do have subtitle options on webinars, unfortunately the online test assessments are conducted in English.
Quizzes and examinations on the online learning portal, written assignments can be submitted by email or post, and via our online learning portal.
Graduates are eligible to join the the International Institute of Complimentary Therapies or the Small Animal and Equine Naturopathic Association as a full member. Association accreditation and insurance to work as a professional in the industry as a qualified and industry recognised Feline Nutritionist.
Course Price: $3,000.00 (AUD$)
The course is divided into six (6) equal payments of $500.00 (AUD$) that is paid up-front at the start of each Course Unit, as a part of our 'pay-as-you-study' payment plan.
There are six (6) Course Units comprising of several modules within. Each Unit of study within the course is priced at $500.00 (AUD$), totalling the full course fees to $3,000.00 (AUD$).
As the course is structured in delivery, the course fees ($500.00 AUD$) are due every two (2) months from enrolment, meaning that students pay for each Course Unit as they proceed through the course.
Course Fee Breakdown:
Unit One ~ $500.00
Unit Two ~ $500.00
Unit Three ~ $500.00
Unit Four ~ $500.00
Unit Five ~ $500.00
Unit Six ~ $500.00
Total $3,000.00 (AUD$)