Course Description

Self-Paced Learning via Distance – suggested 12 months part-time study (440 hours)

The Remedial Myotherapy and Myofacilitation course has been developed specifically to canine anatomy and is designed for all those with a love of dogs and an interest in improving their health, wellbeing, movement, performance, and quality of life at every stage of their life. 

Myofacilitation means that the neural connection within the dogs’ muscles is strong, and we should never ignore how muscles facilitate all sequences of movement and to understand the ‘facilitation process’, we should not become reductionists with minimal thought when it comes to healing poor muscle function that quite often affects joint function.

We need to look at the body as a whole and understand the healing processes on a physiological level. Muscles have their own ‘muscle sense’ or innate Kinaesthetic awareness. This is the body’s natural awareness of position and movement via sensory organs throughout life and are commonly referred to as proprioceptors. 

When observing the dog’s musculature and movement through the viewpoint of Kinesiology and the Kinetic Chain, the anatomical form of the dog, neuromuscular function and biomechanics are all considered, including the age of the dog and any past or present injuries.

Students will be guided on specific remedial techniques that are appropriate, effective and targeted to dysfunction, along with rehabilitative exercises to manage chronic muscular pain, reducing inflammation and maximising muscle function.   

Every dog is different; therefore, every massage treatment should be tailored to meet the needs of each individual dog.

Note: All pathological diagnosis of diseases and conditions must be obtained by a Veterinarian, as they are the specialists in this area. 

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Course Orientation

    • Course Welcome

    • Student Handbook

    • Study Guide

    • How to Reference Your Work

    • Blank Assessment Cover Sheet: To be submitted with any written assignments.

  • 2

    Course Resources and Bonus Materials

    • EBook: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog

    • Dog Anatomy by Peter C. Goody

  • 3

    Module One: Remedial Myotherapy Philosophy & Principles

    • Healing Paradigm

    • Massage as a Therapeutic Modality

    • Styles of Massage Modalities

  • 4

    Module Two: Muscle Physiology Dysfunction

    • Muscle Physiology Dysfunction

    • Webinar: Muscle Physiology and Injury - Presenter: Leslie Williamson

    • Muscle Physiology Quiz

  • 5

    Module Three: Canine Superficial Muscles

    • Superficial Muscles

    • Webinar: Superficial Muscles - Presenter: Leslie Williamson

    • Webinar: Superficial Muscles Study Chart - Presenter: Leslie Williamson

  • 6

    Module Four: Canine Deep Muscles

    • Canine Deep Muscles

    • Webinar: Deep Muscles - Presenter: Leslie Williamson

    • Muscle Action Quiz

    • Webinar: Muscles and Kinetic Movement - Presenter: Leslie Williamson

    • Muscle Movement Quiz

  • 7

    Module Five: Canine Remedial Myotherapy

    • Application of Remedial Myotherapy: Technique Checklist

    • Presentation: Massage Remedial Techniques - Cross Fibre Raking & Thumb Fanning

    • Presentation: Massage Remedial Technique - Kneading

    • Presentation: Massage Remedial Technique - Multiple Finger Rotations

    • Presentation: Full Remedial Massage - Presenter: Leslie Williamson

    • Blank Assessment Cover Sheet

    • Remedial Myotherapy Case Report Template

  • 8

    Module Six: Canine Myofacilitation

    • Canine Myofacilitation

    • Presentation: Myofacilitation - Presenter: Leslie Williamson

    • Canine Muscle Actions: Biomechanics' Chart by Peter C. Goody

  • 9

    Module Seven: Complimentary Canine Stretching

    • Application of Stretching Techniques

    • Presentation: Complementary Stretching - Presenter: Leslie Williamson

  • 10

    Module Eight: Canine Remedial Pole Exercises

    • Remedial Pole Exercises

    • Presentation: Canine Remedial Pole Exercises

    • Canine Pole Exercises Quiz

    • Assessments

Course Requirements

  • Course is suggested to be completed within 12 months part-time from commencement date. There is no course expiry, students can complete the course at a pace that is suitable and sustainable for their own work/study/life balance.

  • Students can enrol at anytime if they meet the prerequisite requirements.

  • Course is delivered via distance education through the ANME online learning portal.

  • Prerequisites for this course: completion of the Canine Myotherapy Certification and the Canine Sports Myotherapy & Exercise Physiology courses.

  • Student require a Computer/Laptop/or Smart Phone with internet access A headset (If your computer is without an internal speaker).

  • Students must have basic computer skills.

  • Students must have basic English language skills. As we do have subtitle options on webinars, unfortunately the online test assessments are conducted in English.

Course Accreditation

Graduates are eligible to join the the International Institute of Complimentary Therapies or the Small Animal and Equine Naturopathic Association as a full member. Association accreditation and insurance to work as a professional in the industry as a qualified and industry recognised Canine Remedial Myotherapist.

Course Material

Course material is accessed via an online learning portal with downloadable course manual. All course lessons delivered through the mediums of text/audio/webinars/videos.

  • Bonus material- EBook

    o Millers 'Anatomy of the Dog'.

  • Bonus material

    o ‘Dog Anatomy' by Peter. C. Goody.

Let's Get Started!

Begin your journey in Canine Remedial Myotherapy.