Course Description

Self-Paced Learning via Distance – suggested 12 months part-time study (440 hours)

Welcome to the very start of your extremely rewarding Canine Myo-therapeutic journey. 

The three courses on offer: Certificate in Myotherapy, Certificate in Sports Myotherapy and Exercise Physiology, and the Certificate in Remedial Myotherapy and Myofacilitation can only be completed in succession one after the other. 

The 3 courses in total have an array of experience to offer the students spanning over three very productive decades with a sound ‘hands-on’ approach. Our system of layering the information enables the student to continually broaden their knowledge from the ground up. Subject matter builds accordingly to ensure your learning outcomes are being met.

Courses have been developed specifically to canine anatomy and is designed for all humans with a love of dogs and a keen interest in improving their health, wellbeing, movement, performance, and quality of life at every stage of their life. 

Students learn how to apply traditional massage techniques working specifically into each muscle with the awareness of all positive physiological effects being initiated to aid the healing processes. There are a variety of techniques within this course that celebrate the steps to our foundational naturopathic approach of looking at the body with a ‘whole-body-balance’ perspective to achieve the best outcomes for the individual.

Students will be guided on specific techniques that are appropriate, effective and targeted to dysfunction, along with rehabilitative exercises to manage chronic muscular pain, reducing inflammation and maximising muscle function.   

When we know more about the canine anatomy and physiology, we are also able to understand how muscles move the skeleton, how they injure, and how they heal. Students will learn the importance of the treating the whole muscle, including the importance of fascia, the powerhouse muscle belly through to the muscle-tendon junctions and the interrelationship of neuromuscular function, all to which leads to the positive influence that massage will stimulate, so the body can reap the healing benefits of each treatment.

We discuss biomechanics and what is required by the dog’s musculature to perform different actions, together with muscle compensation patterns, repetitive muscle strains and how to start identifying them and treat them accordingly. Every dog is different; therefore, every massage treatment should be tailored to meet the needs of each individual dog.

With so many activities and sports available to dogs, there are also many soft tissue injuries that first go unnoticed. Over time this can further exacerbate other undesirable joint and skeletal issues.

Compensation patterns in the dog’s musculature, development and movement can easily relate back to many reasons why the dog has been carrying such dysfunction and discomfort. Authentic massage has long been proven to ascertain and balance soft tissue and skeletal dysfunction.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Orientation: Canine Myotherapy

    • Student Handbook

    • Study Guide

    • How to Reference Your Work

    • Blank Assessment Cover Sheet: To be submitted with any assignments sent in to be marked.

    • EBook: Miller’s Anatomy of the Dog

    • Dog Anatomy by Peter C. Goody

  • 2

    Module One: Massage Foundations and Canine Origins

    • History of Massage

    • Philosophy of Massage

    • Dogs and their Relatives

    • Introduction to Canine Nutrition Basics

    • Canine Species General Information

    • General Dog Information Quiz

  • 3

    Module Two: Directional Terminology and Contraindications

    • Medical and Directional Terminology

    • Webinar: Directional and Medical Terminology - Presenter: Leslie Williamson

    • Table of Directional Terminology and Definitions

    • Terminology Quiz

    • Webinar: Regional Terms Study Chart - Presenter: Leslie Williamson

    • Canine Massage Contraindications

    • Contraindication Quiz

  • 4

    Module Three: Physiological Effects of the Systems

    • Physiology Effects of the Systems

    • Webinar: Systems Physiological Effects Part 1 - Presenter: Leslie Williamson

    • Systems Quiz

    • Webinar: Systems Physiological Effects Part 2 - Presenter: Leslie Williamson

    • Systems Quiz

  • 5

    Module Four: Conformation and Skeleton

    • Canine Conformation

    • Webinar: Conformation and Posture - Presenter: Leslie Williamson

    • Conformation Quiz

    • Webinar: Conformation Study Chart - Presenter: Leslie Williamson

    • Canine Conformation: Forelimb

    • Canine Conformation: Hindlimb

    • Canine Skeleton and Joints

    • Webinar: Skeleton and Joints - Presenter: Leslie Williamson

    • Skeleton Quiz

    • Webinar: Skeleton Study Chart - Presenter: Leslie Williamson

    • Webinar: Long Bone Study Chart - Presenter: Leslie Williamson

  • 6

    Module Five: Muscular System

    • Canine Muscular System

    • Webinar: Introduction to Muscle Physiology - Presenter: Leslie Williamson

    • Webinar: Superficial Muscles Study Chart - Presenter: Leslie Williamson

    • Muscles Quiz

  • 7

    Module Six: Behaviour, Handling and Safe Positioning

    • Practical Approach to Canine Massage

    • Canine Behaviour

    • Canine Handling and Safe Positioning

    • Behaviour Quiz

    • Study Chart: Canine Behaviour - Presenter: Leslie Williamson

    • Body Language Chart

  • 8

    Module Seven: Principles and Concepts of Myotherapy

    • Principles and Concepts of Canine Massage

    • Canine Massage Quiz

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    Module Eight: Visual Observations and Assessment

    • Visual Observations

    • Myotherapy Case Report Template

    • Webinar: Static Visual Observations - Presenter: Leslie Williamson

    • Webinar: Dynamic Visual Observations - Presenter: Leslie Williamson

    • Visual Observations Quiz

    • Flat Hand Assessment

    • Webinar: Flat Hand Assessment - Presenter: Leslie Williamson

    • Flat Hand Assessment Quiz

  • 10

    Module Nine: Myotherapy Techniques

    • Application of Massage Foundation Techniques

    • Presentation: Foundational Massage Technique Effleurage - Presenter: Leslie Williamson

    • Presentation: Foundational Massage Technique Compressions - Presenter: Leslie Williamson

    • Presentation: Foundational Massage Technique Sweating - Presenter: Leslie Williamson

    • Presentation: Foundational Massage Finishing Technique - Presenter: Leslie Williamson

    • Blank Assessment Cover Sheet

    • Module Eight Assessments

Course Requirements

  • Course is suggested to be completed within 12 months part-time from commencement date. There is no course expiry, students can complete the course at a pace that is suitable and sustainable for their own work/study/life balance.

  • Students can enrol at anytime.

  • Course is delivered via distance education through the ANME online learning portal.

  • Prerequisites not required for enrollment into this course.

  • Student require a Computer/Laptop/or Smart Phone with internet access A headset (If your computer is without an internal speaker).

  • Students must have basic computer skills.

  • Students must have basic English language skills. As we do have subtitle options on webinars, unfortunately the online test assessments are conducted in English.

  • Please note: this course is a 'prerequisite course' for those wishing to study either the Canine Sports Myotherapy or Canine Remedial Myotherapy & Myofacilitation courses.

Course Accreditation

Graduates are eligible to join the the International Institute of Complimentary Therapies or the Small Animal and Equine Naturopathic Association as a full member. Association accreditation and insurance to work as a professional in the industry as a qualified and industry recognised Canine Myotherapist.

Course Material

Course material is accessed via an online learning portal with downloadable course manual. All course lessons delivered through the mediums of text/audio/webinars/videos.

  • Bonus material- EBook

    o Millers 'Anatomy of the Dog'.

  • Bonus material

    o ‘Dog Anatomy' by Peter. C. Goody.

Let's Get Started!

Begin your journey in Canine Myotherapy.