Welcome to the wide world of dogs and their varied lifestyles, involving sports, activities, exercise routines and all of the common and unfortunately probable Musculo-skeletal issues our dogs seemingly are faced with nowadays. More than ever a large percentage of dogs are requiring surgery and ongoing treatment programs. It is also unfortunate that a large number of dogs are carrying compensational soft tissue injuries that first go unnoticed. Until over some time the dysfunction further exacerbates other unwanted joint, ligament, muscle-tendon and skeletal injuries. Therefore, by focusing on the canine anatomy and physiology, we are also able to understand how muscles move the skeleton, in conjunction with the importance of nerve receptors within the muscle cells and the overall neurological relationship and positive influence that massage can stimulate, so that the body can fully reap the benefits of each massage treatment, this enables positive treatment plans to become constructive resolutions.

Certification awarded in this course has been developed specifically to canine anatomy when evidence-based data and research of treatment outcomes were continually reviewed. The course is designed for all humans with a genuine love of dogs and an interest in improving their health, wellbeing, movement, performance, agility and quality of life at every stage of their life.

Students learn how to apply traditional massage techniques working specifically into each muscle with the awareness of all positive physiological effects being initiated to aid the healing processes. There are a variety of techniques within this course that celebrate the steps to our foundational naturopathic approach of looking at the body with a ‘whole-body-balance’, to achieve the desired outcomes.
Students will be guided on specific techniques that are appropriate, effective, and targeted to dysfunction, along with remedial exercises to manage chronic muscular pain, reducing inflammation and maximising Musculo-skeletal function.